Since I spent around 2-4 days in completing this assignment, I thought maybe someone might find this useful in the future. Its not just the code for this problem. I had to learn other features like timers, signals, fork, and (ofcourse) Linux message queue. I had used some of them before but this assignment helped me in understanding them deeper. And I definitely enjoyed doing this assignment.
Disclaimer: Venture in to this blog only if you are interested, else it may be boring.
Problem Definition
Use POSIX Message Queues on Linux
• Producer produces serial numbered messages with exponentially distributed inter-arrival time (avg. 1s)
• Consumer processes messages with an exponentially distributed processing time (avg. 0.8s)
• Producer & consumer log system time and message serial numbers
• Run the system for 300s
Process the logs to compute the following
• Message loss percentage
• Average number of messages in queue
• Average latency (including processing time)
Fraction of time with more than 10 messages in queue
I didn’t do any specific design, but I had some idea on how to develop this step by step. I started by testing the message queue in a sequential program. The function producer puts messages to the queue and consumer takes it in specific intervals. Then I integrated random intervals to make the producers output exponentially distributed using random number generators, then I made it 2 separate processes using fork and later I added signals, etc. The output is stored in to a log file and later that is parsed using another program called log_processor.c. I would like to add the entire development story here, but that would take up the entire space. So, if any of you have any suggestions or queries, drop a comment.
Note: I am not able to post code in blog page (so many formatting errors) and I am looking for various options to upload in some site and give the link here. Please let me know if anyone have any suggestions. Also, if anyone want to have a look at the code, please leave a comment.
- Random numbers

- Fork

- Signals

- Timers

I am not putting the entire log files here. Just a small part.
Here is the main part of the report I submitted. No fancy stuff, just the facts.
Output of log_processor.out file
Message lost percentage : 0.660066 %
Average Latency : 3.26471 seconds
Average number of messages in queue : 3.06954
Percentage of time with more than 10 msgs in q : 0.331126 %
1. Since the producer sends the messages in a blocked state - it waits for the queue to be free, if its full - and also the queue size is almost infinite as compared to the number of messages we send, there is very less chance of a message being lost. However, since we run the simulation for a certain time, at the end of time, there may be some messages which are being processed at the consumer. That is the reason why we see a very small value for the percentage of message loss. If we run the test for a certain number of input messages, there won't be any message loss since the queue won't get full and also since we don't drop a message if the queue is full (blocking call).
2. Average latency is calculated by calculating the individual latencies and taking the average of them.
The implementation is an example of an M/M/1 queuing system.
In theory, the average latency of a message in a system is,
W = 1 / (service rate - arrival rate)
W = Waiting Time in Queue + Service Time
W = W.Q + S.T
W = (arrival rate) / (service rate) (service rate - arrival rate) + Service Time (0.8)
Arrival rate = 1/1 = 1 msg/sec
Service rate = 1/0.8 = 1.25 msg/sec
Avg Latency (from theory) = 4sec
Avg Latency (from implementation) = 3.264sec
Since the values are derived by statistical modeling of the system, a small variance will be present. Also, when the test is run for 600 seconds, the values are:
Message lost percentage : 0.34904 %
Average Latency : 4.85368 seconds
Average number of messages in queue : 4.58829
Percentage of time with more than 10 msgs in q : 14.1608 %
The test only will give a value which is approximately the theoretical value.
3. Average number of messages in the queue is calculated by calculating the average of the number of messages in the queue during instants after the producer puts a message in the queue and before consumer takes a message from queue.
Theoretical calculation:
Average number of customers in the system is,
L = arrival rate / (service rate - arrival rate)
L (from theory) = 4
L (from implementation) = 3.06954 ~ 3
In the test with 600sec, the value is around 4.
4. Fraction of time with more than 10 msgs in queue is calculated by finding the number of samples which had a message number greater than 10 and dividing it with the number of samples taken.
Percentage of time with more than 10 msgs in q : 0.331126 %
Details of Test machine
Linux Flavor : Fedora Core 7
Kernel : Ver. 2.6.21-1.3194.fc7
Compiler : gcc Ver. 4.1.2 20070502 (Red Hat 4.1.2-12)
VMware : VMware Server Ver. 2.0.0 Build 116503
Processor : Intel Core 2 T7200 @ 2.00GHz each
RAM : 2.00 GB
Make : Alienware Area-51, m9750
Nice! But where are the POSIX message queue code samples? :-)
Since you were worrying about portability, it's better to use sigaction() instead of signal().
Honor code violation! :p
Actually I started of with a message queue snippet, but that was the one I developed in to the main code. So, no code snippet. But I have added a reference section with some sample message queue code. Hope it helps.
Thanks Geethu!
Hi im very interested to your code of this Message queue.. would you send me to
thanks in advance!!
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