
A Fairy Tale

Once up on a time, in a kingdom far far away, there lived a prince named Adam. He was so handsome that every lady in that kingdom would do almost anything even to have a glance at him. He was also very kind and service minded. But Adam was not interested in marriage. He just wanted to spend his time serving his country and the people. His parents, the king and queen were very sad about this.
One day he went hunting in a far away jungle. He and his friends were hunting the whole morning and were tired by evening. Then Adam heard a very beautiful song from somewhere deep inside the jungle. The song was very beautiful yet sad. He began walking in the direction of the song. He reached the shore of a river. Near the river, he saw a beautiful young lady who was singing. At the first sight itself, he fell in love with her. He slowly approached her. But by the time he reached her, she began vanishing and soon she was completely gone. Adam became very sad. He wanted to get one more glimpse of her somehow. He went back to his friends and told them the story. They went near the river and searched for the beautiful girl. No one could find her. Being very sad, Adam went back to his castle. His only thought was how to find her.
A number of search parties were organized. But no one could find her. Days, weeks and months passed, no news about her came. Then one day, an old man came and told the king, “The lady, Adam is looking for, is a princess under a curse. Only her true love can rescue her. No need to worry, I will give the instructions. But this quest, he alone has to complete it”
“Three days to north, you have to travel to reach the border of the kingdom. There is a thick, long and dark forest after that. Seven days, it will take you to cross it. Then you will come across a small town. There you can find an old building near 3 oak trees. You will find a way to reach your true love there. You take my donkey with you. It can help you in difficult times.”
Reluctantly the king and queen agreed. Thus Adam set out for his quest to find his true love with the donkey. He being kind, didn’t ride the donkey, they walked.
On reaching the border of the kingdom, Adam and his donkey were tired. They decided to take rest for one day. The next day, they continued their journey.
After seven days, he reached the old building. But there was only an old woman there. She was very tired out of hunger and thirst. Adam being very kind gave all his food and water to her. She became happy and told Adam, “I know what you are looking for. The girl is the princess of this kingdom. But she, along with this kingdom, is under a terrible enchantment. A witch turned everyone in this kingdom to marble statues. Only the princess is allowed to be out of the curse one day, from morning till sunset, every year. That day, she searches for her true love who will free them. It was then you saw her. You will get her back only if you kill the white witch. She is very powerful. In order to make her powerless, you will have to kill the dragon, guarding the haunted castle. Many have tried and failed. You cannot slay the dragon directly.”
“Then how am I supposed to kill it?” asked Adam
“There is a mirror mounted on top of the castle roof. Direct it so that the sun rays fall directly on the dragon’s eyes. Look only in the reflection in the mirror. That will burn its eyes and distract it. Thus you can borrow sometime to kill the dragon.”
Adam and his donkey went to the castle. From far away itself, he could hear the dragon’s roar. But he had no idea how to get to the castle roof. Then his donkey began talking. “Noble Adam, I can turn into a flying horse. Use me and get to the castle top”. Thus the donkey turned in to a white flying horse. It flew him to the topmost castle tower and Adam pointed the mirror so that the dragon almost got blinded. He then flew back and cut the dragons head and killed it. Thus the witch lost all her powers and became an old woman and tried to escape in disguise. But Adam intercepted her and she was sent to the dungeons. By then, the enchantment on the kingdom was lifted.The witch’s castle automatically turned in to a beautiful one with gardens having beautiful flowers and trees. All the marble statues began to turn in to humans. Adam entered the great hall of the castle. The princess was waiting for him, for her true love. He slowly walked to her. They both gazed each others for a while and hugged for a long time. Later, they got married and lived happily ever after.


Anila said...

I didn't know you liked fairy tales so much..

Dragonfly said...

I loved fairy tales and I used to dream about the castles, kingdoms, prince, the magical creatures, the magical lands etc. Even now, I love reading fairy tales... :)

Anonymous said...

Good story ;)

Anonymous said...

Hey .. cool .. I love fairy tales too .. :)