Have you ever heard of the concept of ‘Butterfly life’? I’ve seen it in a movie some years back. I forgot the name of the movie. But it really touched me. That movie is basically a narration. The narrator always carries a stop watch with him. Some times he clicks it. His lover once asks him why he is carrying it always. Then he replies, “ I am adding these moments to my butterfly life. Let me explain. Have you ever noticed butterflies? How beautiful they are? How lovely and happy they appear always? Ever wondered about how long they live? After coming out from the cocoon, some of their life span is only around one day. In that one day, they do everything. They drink honey, fly and play a lot, fall in love, mate with their partners, reproduce, enjoy their life, do everything they can do in one day and go to a peaceful sleep by the end of the day. A sleep from which they will never wake up. Yet they enjoy their entire life, our single day, or 24 hours. They take the maximum out of it. With no complains, no worries, they spent their whole life happily. We, the humans, our life span is around 70-80years. Yet how many years, months, days and hours we waste worrying or planning over the silly things which may mean nothing to us in the end. So whenever I think I am spending my time truly happy, like a butterfly, I click this stop watch to add the time to my share of butterfly life”
Saying this he checked his watch and said “I have lived over 19 hours of butterfly life in the last 30 years since I have started this”
This touched me deeply. That was one of the situations, I really thought about how I spend the time of my one typical day. One day mean nothing to us, most of the days we spend meaningless doing nothing of much importance, without even realizing the value of the time we ware wasting. Only when I heard this that I realized the value of each moment in our life and wondered how precious moments can be. Later there should be no regrets. Because I have read this some where,
“Dream what you want to dream
Go where you want to go
Be what you want to be
Because you’ve only one life
And one chance to do all the
Thing you want to do”
wow .. This is just beautiful.
I like the concept :)
Live a butterfly life .. :)
If you ask me, this is best one u wrote till date :)
Ya you were right. I did like it. Live life like a butter(or dragon) fly :-p
Heh.. just kiddin.. nice concept.. :)
In fact it makes me wonder if one can ever have a "butterfly" life in such a money-minded competitive world.
Hmm.. I remember you having written this to me before. And yes, something we all need to keep a count of.. How much of our life we actually live..
Manuuuuu .. this is one article I absolutely feel in love with .. I too think and dream of living life in this way .. A butterfly .. what a beautiful thought .. :)
I believe in something similar .. It goes like this :
"Love like you have never been hurt, work like you don't need the
money, and always dance like no one is watching !!"
Its really true.. Want to add this too...
"Life is not about the moments you breath, but about the moments that take your breath away."
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